2446 ZENS IPHONE 6 COVER 4814 CUPAD Monitor consumed water Ultimate protection Charge wirelessly Qi technology SIZE: 70 X 153 X 10 MM IMPRINT: 45 X 95 MM Free app Great product that mixes health / technology SIZE: Ø95 MM IMPRINT: Ø70 MM 0314 / 0320 POKKETMOUSE Luxury, slim optical mouse with LED’s Ultra thin design Handy travel pouch SIZE: 85 X 50 X 12 MM IMPRINT: 45 X 29 MM 0322 POKKETMOUSE Luxury, slim optical mouse with LED’s 2,46 Wireless Technology Dual rechargable batteries SIZE: 105 X 57 X 20 MM IMPRINT: 100 X 50 MM 1058 SANITIZER Lithium-ion battery 7198 AIRCOAT IPAD AIR2 253.7 nm UV-C Lamp, ozone free USB powered, playtime up to 5 times activation SIZE: 320 X 220 X 8 MM Strong hard case, excellent protection Interior case: luxurious microsuede Fold horizontally or vertically SIZE: 170 X 245 X 11 MM IMPRINT: 40 X 40 MM (EMBOSSING) 80 X 80 MM (IMPRINT) 0480 IKEY ULTRA THIN BLUETOOTH KEYBOARD Ultra slim, ultra light foldable silicone wireless keyboard Water resistant and highly portable SIZE: 39 X 37 X 9 MM (FOLDED) IMPRINT: 20 X 10 MM 0328 ELIP WIRELESS MOUSE Working distance 6-10 meter 1.000 DPI SIZE: 105 X 65 X 25 MM IMPRINT: 40 X 40 MM 124 Pagina 123
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