How are you feeling? How conscious are we about our health and why is this important question part of this promotional gadget range? 2 Facts The overall population is getting older. The cost involved with healthcare is growing year on year. Where will it end and how can we help do our bit? One way is to start monitoring our own lives, to be more conscious of our daily health and routines and how we can use technology to adapt these and those around you. Technology can assist us in this life changing objective…perhaps we target ourselves to walk more, forget the lift at work and walk up those 3 flights of stairs, commute on a bike not car. We all lead different lives and will set our own very different goals. We follow technology and see the fast development and pace of change which brings new tools to the market daily. Such tools enable us to measure, set goals and gain reward when they are met. Just think …Bluetooth activity trackers, Bluetooth toothbrushes, Smart Drinkware all of which enable you to keep track of your life. 6 benefits of regular physical activity Want to feel better, be more energetic and hopefully live longer? Look no further than exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are impossible to ignore. These benefits are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Need more convincing? Check out these six ways exercise can improve your life. 1 Exercise controls weight Exercise can help prevent weight gain and help encourage weight loss. 2 Exercise combats health conditions and diseases In fact, regular physical activity can help you prevent, manage and cure a wide range of health problems and concerns. Pagina 67

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