SHADES AND COLOUR GRADIENTS more print options The all-new senator® high definition digital print. Feeling is believing. FEEL YOUR LOGO! EMBOSSED PRINTING TECHNOLOGY To best serve the needs of a threedimensional trademark design, we invented the all-new senator® high definition print. It’s a new way of printing that delivers a surface like a steel engraved business card on a promotional pen. Whilst common print technologies deliver a simple, yet absolutely flat image, this enables a brand experience like you have never seen and felt befor Moreover, the all-new senator® high definition print allows unlimited colour shades and unlimited colour gradients. This high definition print is a worldwide exclusive service and only available from senator®. Pagina 5
Pagina 7Voor drukwerk, online gebruiksaanwijzingen en drukwerk zie het Online Touch content management beheersysteem systeem. Met de mogelijkheid voor een online shop in uw vakbladen.
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